Friday, December 09, 2005

Yup-yup Returns

He's back.

He appeared Monday night. I was racing home to get a pot of turkey chili to take to a potluck. I got off the bus and walked down 50th and there he was, cane, cast and all. (Did I mention he broke his leg a few weeks ago? So I lack the heart as well as the guts to fire him outright.)

Take the bull by the horns, I decided. "Hey, Yup-yup, where you been?" I hollered.

He hobbled across the street, shaking his head. "Hard times, hard times," he said, not saying anything else about his whereabouts.

I handed off the orange and the five-dollar bill, saying, "I've got some turkey chili for you, too."

"Turkey chili?!"

"I just have to heat it up. I'll be back out in a few."

What I didn't tell him was the rest of it was going to feed the CAPS potluck. How ironic.

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