Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More Baby News--Other People's

I believe I posted a while ago that Sarah next door has a new baby niece. She's about two months old now. I've only seen her once--her daddy had her out on their front steps on a warm Sunday afternoon earlier this month.

Yesterday Sarah's big sister, the new baby's mom, was out on the steps with her husband and their older daughter. Over last weekend I aquired a bagful of baby girl clothes from a friend, plus another friend had bought me a girl's six-month-old outfit before we knew I was having a boy. I asked if they would like some baby clothes and they said yes.

When I came back out with the mini-wardrobe, Sarah's sister asked how my nausea was. "Not great, but not bad," I told her. She told me she had had terrible nausea with both her girls--this time she threw up all the way through the pregnancy. Apparently her new daughter is still not as strong as they would like, either, but she's getting better. This family is functional enough I'm confident they are taking good care of her, though if I had had more brains I might have asked if they know about Alivio Medical Center. Since they used to live in Pilsen I would think they might, but you never know.

Hopefully we'll have a chance to talk more. She seemed like she was pretty eager to share stories with another pregnant lady. Unfortunately, the conversation was pushing the limits of my Spanish and I had a deadline waiting for me back in the house, so I ended the conversation a little sooner than I might have otherwise.

It's good to know I have a mom buddy right next door with a little one very close in age to my impending little guy. Junior's mom across the street is another good resource, since her youngest is just a year old or so now.

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